King Mohammed VI Launches Construction Works of ‘CMP- Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity’ in Fez, Gives High Instructions for Creation of Two Others in Fez and Tangier

King Mohammed VI launched on Wednesday at the Bensouda neighborhood (Zouagha arrondissement) in Fez, the construction works of a “community medical Center (CMP) – Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity”, worth 75 million dirhams, and gave His High Instructions for the creation of two additional centers in Fez and Tangier.
Aimed at strengthening the health offer in the city of Fez, this solidarity-based project stems from the Sovereign’s deep conviction to make the right of access to health services one of the major pillars for the consolidation of citizenship, and from His willingness to improve medical care services and above all to bring health infrastructures closer to the populations of high-density neighborhoods.

The project is in line with HM the King’s efforts to promote access to quality basic health care for the poor, to speed up interventions in case of medical emergencies and to ensure periodic and regular medical monitoring of people whose state of health requires specialized consultations.

The future community medical Centre in the Bensouda neighborhood is part of a program led by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, which provides for the construction of ten community medical Centres of this type across the Kingdom.

The program is meant to support the national medical sector, in particular by strengthening the existing supply of care, setting up a local care network and integrating a complementary social approach into patient support mechanisms.

The “community medical Centre – Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity” in the Bensouda neighborhood thus joins the Centres inaugurated by the Sovereign in the El Youssoufia neighborhood in Rabat and Sidi Moumen in Casablanca, and those already completed in Témara, to the Beni Makada arrondissement in Tangier and the new city of Errahma in Casablanca, to the one under construction in Hay Karima in Salé, and to those currently being programmed in the Lissassfa neighborhood in Casablanca, in Agadir and in Marrakech.

On this occasion, King Mohammed VI gave His High Instructions for the establishment by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity of two additional community medical Centers in Fez and Tangier.

As an intermediary facility between the network of basic health care establishments (levels 1 and 2) and the hospital network, the community medical Centre – Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity will have to serve a population of more than 300,000 inhabitants, thus making it possible to ensure greater complementarity in the health map at the level of the Region and to alleviate the pressure on existing hospital establishments.

The new Centre, which will be built on a 14,080 m2 site, will include a centre for local medical emergencies (trauma, examination, care, observation and plastering rooms), a centre for specialist consultations (endocrinology, nephrology, paediatrics, gynaecology, gastroenterology, cardiology, rheumatology, dermatology), and a medical-technical centre with, in particular, an operating room (a general surgery and an obstetric surgery rooms).

It will also have a mother-child health centre housing a technical delivery unit (4 delivery rooms), examination and newborn care rooms, a primary health care unit (consultation, care, vaccination and maternal and child Health/Family Planning rooms), an orthopaedic rehabilitation unit, an oral care unit, a medical imaging unit, a medical analysis laboratory and a hospitalization unit (13 rooms with a capacity of 26 beds), a pharmacy and a morgue.

The result of a partnership between the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, the ministry of Health, the regional Council of Fez-Meknes and the municipal Council of Fez, this project, which will be carried out within 24 months, reinforces the various actions undertaken by the Foundation in the medical and humanitarian field, thus giving full measure to its multifaceted and diversified commitment to the well-being and prosperity of deprived populations.

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