No one disputes that the election Mohamed Boudra, mayor of the city of Al-Hoceima, head of the Organization United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG-World) confirms, without ambiguity, the commitment of the Kingdom of Morocco in local development in various economic, political and social fields, like the development of the Rif region, which is of significant significance as evidenced by the achievements made in this region under the leadership of King Mohammed VI aiming at the triumph of democracy and concrete translation of advanced regionalization in order to give territorial management mechanisms and strengthening local governance all the guarantees of success.
Indeed, Mohammed Boudra, the son prodigy was inspired by the royal clairvoyance. Also his election illustrates the efforts that Morocco deploys under the high royal guidelines to bring to a successful conclusion the development of the 12 regions of the kingdom and to project to the international as reflected the commitment of the sovereign who crossed the continent to unify the African vision and strengthen south-south cooperation on the basis of a win -win solidarity policy.
Note that the election of Mohammed Boudra was not easy when faced with two big caliber of international renown who coveted this position. This election of Mohammed Boudra is to be attributed to the experiences and expertises acquired by adhering to the execution of the project “Al Hoceima Manarat Al Moutawassit” that closely supervises King Mohammed VI and executes the central and regional departments within the framework of the royal instructions .
This exploit comforts the remarkable progress of the Kingdom of Morocco carried out internally and internationally since the succession of the sovereign to the Alawite throne.