King Mohammed VI impresses international media

International media interactivity, particularly the French, Spanish and American press, which published articles highlighting the great achievements of Morocco during the last 20 years under the reign of King Mohammed VI, warmly welcomed the remarkable progress of the Kingdom of Morocco .

This exploit is to be attributed, according to the international press, to the perspicacity and foresight of the Moroccan sovereign which has allowed Morocco to set up a whole series of transmutations on the political, economic and social levels. this is the case of the thorny issue of human rights that led to the reconciliation of the state with the opposition and the victims of the years of lead. in addition to the inking of the new concept of authority. This initiative has allowed the emergence of new political institutions and the running of elections in good conditions and in a climate of clarity and transparency.

According to headlines, the King of Morocco has launched major projects structuring the main drivers of economic growth and a basic technical infrastructure road, port, airport and rail and the launch of two Mohammed VI satellites A and B in horizontal interactivity and which have made Morocco a space nation. these achievements will enable Morocco to reposition itself on the international scene with the best standards of speed, frequency and competitiveness without neglecting to highlight the evolution of renewable energies that will make by 2030 Morocco a solar energy hub .

This foreign media testimony is tangible proof that it is about concrete realizations of weight.

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