Migration: The efficient humanitarian approach of the King of Morocco

Notwithstanding the efforts made, Europe is still unable to control migratory flows, particularly those from sub-Saharan Africa.

In this context, it turns out that Libya, Tunisia and Algeria, which are experiencing political crises, have become the favorite destination for Sub-Saharan immigrants, while the Kingdom of Morocco remains a strategic partner of the union. European Union in the fight against illegal immigration thanks, as “lemonde.fr” emphasizes the role played by King Mohammed VI, who is one of the few heads of state who, while relying on a philosophy on a human scale, use all the necessary means to provide the appropriate solutions to this migration issue in the context of close cooperation with its European partners. Moreover Morocco, which was in the past only a transit country, has become a host country for thousands of Africans living in several cities of the kingdom in a decent setting.

This role of the sovereign is recognized both by African countries and European countries as confirmed by several press organs worldwide.

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