Oujda matches the requirements of migration

It’s under the label “Immigration and the valorization of the immaterial capital” organized by the Immaterial Capital Center in partnership with the Council of the Eastern Region, Friday the 28th of september 2018, an initiative that has been saluted unanimously.Hundreds of persons attended the event, including the Wali of the city of Oujda, academics, and representants of the civil society.They all witnessed an international manifestation that aspires to be a crossroad of experts coming from all around the globe to discuss, to debate and to exchange experiencs and expertise in the field of immigration ; a potential with a strong added value.In a plenary meeting the president of the Council oof the Eastern Region commended this initiative and reminded the importance of immigration in the developement of territories, he invited all the participants to dig up answers to all the questions that the immigration raises, to draw up valuable lessons and good practices that can boost the immaterial capital. From his side, the president of the Immaterial Capital Centergave reasons for the organization of this first edition and explained why the choice was made to host it in Oujda, highlighting the initiative of our beloved king Mohammed VI concerning immigration, a subject that he keeps a great attention on. After that the director of the affairs of the Moroccans living abroad and the matters of immigration presented with great details the politic of immigration and of asile, inscribed in the program of his department.As to the representant of the National Council of human rights he stressed the politic and the measures taken to protect the rights of immigrants. Gérard Prévost a French sociologist, Luis Aguero Wagner a historian a journalist and a writer from¨Paraguay, and Tandial Aly a sociologist from Senegal presented really interesting exposés who should prompt all the actors to double the efforts in order to contain migratory flux and to valorize the immaterial capital. Furthermore, Gemma Gonzalez a Spanish sociologist, talked about the theme of immigration and underlined that immigration is an opportunity that sould seized to help valorize the immaterial capital. Marilina Haydee Marichal emphasized the need to defend the human rights of all the immigrants in the host country. This rendezvous was a great success, concluded by the final declaration of Oujda that the president of the Immaterial Capital Center dictated.

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