Saudi Arabia astouned the arabo muslim world by taking a malicious and ill-wished stance with regards to the Moroccan bid to host the 2026 soccer’s world cup.
The mentioned country multiplied hostile campains and fraudulent actions againt the Moroccan bid.
A great deception, coming from a country that the Moroccan Kingdom helped in all times and in all matters, exposing itself sometimes to diplomatic risks.
An unprecedent stab in the back that left the muslim street in awe.An act that the Arabo-Muslim world have never witnessed before, an historical ally that breached a long standing trust, an ally that didn’t take into account the religious brotherhood, nor the heritage left by the common arabic ancestors.
Morocco was never, and never will be against a fair and honorable bid, it was only taken aback by the unfiar lobbying that Saudi Arabia engaged in.
The Arabo Muslim world did not yet understand the attitude that Saudi Arabia demonstrated these days, and maybe that it will never will because no amount of explanation will erase the damage caused by such a monstruous act.