Nigerian President to Pay Official Friendship and Working Visit to Morocco on Sunday and Monday

It is official: Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari will arrive in Morocco on Sunday at the request of King Mohammed VI.

The Ministry of Household, Protocol, and Chancellery announced on Saturday that “Mr. Muhammadu Buhari, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria will make a friendship and official visit to the Kingdom of Morocco, on Sunday, and Monday, 25 and 26 Ramadan 1439 corresponding to June 10 and 11, 2018.”

King Mohammed VI will hold official talks with the Nigerian president, with whom he will co-chair a signing ceremony of conventions.
The King will also offer the Nigerian president and his delegation an official iftar in Buhari’s honor at the Royal Palace in Rabat.

The statement concluded that the visit demonstrates the “depth and quality of bilateral relations based on a strong and lasting friendship, owing to the common desire to consolidate the multidimensional relations existing between the two countries.”

The African leaders are also expected to discuss the Atlantic project, a pipeline which is set to link Nigeria and Morocco and may extend up towards Europe.

The agreement to construct the pipeline project was signed in December 2016 during the King’s first official visit to Nigeria.

With such projects the King aims to diversify Morocco’s partnerships in Africa and to extend the South-South activities that the country has initiated with its traditional partners in the continent.

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